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  • School Provision Next week

    Fri 20 Mar 2020

    Dear Parent/ Carer,


    RE: Safe School Provision


    The school will close today and reopen on Monday to provide a safe school provision for certain children. Wherever possible children should stay at home. However, we will be providing a childcare service for the following:

    • Children where adults in the household are key workers
    • Children with an Education and Health Care Plan where school attendance is deemed by the Headteacher to be in the child's best interests
    • Vulnerable children as determined by the Headteacher
    • Children who have a Social Worker

    The government have published a list of key workers. Please read the document via this link.



    If you feel you that you qualify as a key worker, please inform us by 3:15pm today so that we can arrange sufficient staffing. Whilst some schools are stipulating that all parents must be key workers, we trust that parents will only ask for childcare if it is absolutely necessary. I reiterate the government guidance states that ‘if it is at all possible for children to be at home, then they should be.’ Please understand that our staffing is limited and will become more so. This is why we really appreciate all you can do to only take up a place if really needed.


    A further letter confirming the operational details of the provision will be sent out this evening for those children attending.


    Yours sincerely,




    Mr O’Brien



  • School closure and continued provision

    Thu 19 Mar 2020

    Thursday 19th March 2020


    Dear Parent/ Carer,


    RE: School Closure and continued provision


    Wootey Infant and Junior Schools are closed to pupils from the end of the day tomorrow (Friday 20th March 2020).

    Whilst we await clarification and confirmation from the Government, we anticipate that school will be open to provide a safe childcare space for:

    • Children where all adults in the household are key workers (we are awaiting the definition of Key Workers from Government)
    • Children with an Education and Health Care Plan where school attendance is deemed by the Headteacher to be in the child's best interests
    • Vulnerable children as determined by the Headteacher
    • Children who have a Social Worker

    When we receive clarification of the Key Worker criteria we will share these and ask you to contact us to confirm if you require a place. We will contact you directly if your child meets any of the other criteria.

    Thank you for your support and understanding at this time. Please remember that we remain a Wootey Community and will be communicating with you via email and text during the time school is closed.

    Yours sincerely,


    Mr O’Brien



  • Corona virus update

    Wed 18 Mar 2020

    17th March 2020

    Dear Parent/ Carer,


    RE: Coronavirus update


    As you know the government yesterday issued new guidance regarding the Coronavirus. I would like to remind you that should any of your household develop symptoms of the Coronavirus it is essential that you take the advice of Public Health England. This currently is that you and all other household members self-isolate for 14 days. Children must not attend school.


    If your child develops a temperature in school, we will also send them home immediately and expect you and your family to self-isolate for 14 days.


    All our staff continue to work hard in ensuring there is a level of normality and continuity in the school. We are observing regular hand washing and hygiene routines. We also ask that parents refrain from entering the school building unless necessary.


    At the time of writing our Early Bird club, After School club and Extra-curricular clubs continue to run as normal. This could change at short notice. We currently have a small number of staff who are unavailable to work which is not affecting our provision. If more staff become unavailable we may have to consider partial or full school closure in the future.


    The following events in the school calendar are now cancelled:


    Friday 20th March Mufti day- Bring and Easter Egg

    Thursday 26th March Parents Evening

    Friday 27th March PTA Bingo and Easter Egg Tombola


    I would also like to quash any rumours that have been circulating that the school has identified cases of Corona virus. There are no families or staff within our school community who have tested positive to the virus. Rest assured, if this were to happen we would inform you promptly.


    These are very challenging times and we are working very hard to stay positive and to keep your children safe. We are aware that all schools may be asked to close in the near future. Staff are preparing work and activities for the children when this happens. If you look at the year groups pages of our school website you will already find some of these activities.


    Thank you for your continued support.


    Yours sincerely,



    Tim O’Brien


  • Coronavirus

    Wed 04 Mar 2020

    Dear Parent/ Carers,


    RE: Coronavirus


    I am sure you will have all seen the many media reports about Coronavirus in the UK and now in Hampshire, and many of you will be concerned. I can assure you that we are taking the situation seriously but that we do not need to cause undue alarm. It is important for the children that we remain calm, sensible and work together as a school community to follow the national guidance.


    The advice to us from Public Health England and Hampshire County Council remains the same and is as follows:-

    1)           Where a suspected case has been in a childcare or educational setting, there is no need to close the setting or send other learners or staff home.

    2)           Even if there is a confirmed case in your childcare or educational setting, in most cases, closure of the childcare or education setting will be unnecessary and advice would be provided by Public Health England.

    3)           As always, everyone should continue to promote good hand and respiratory hygiene:

    •            Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after using public transport. Use a sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available.

    •            Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.

    •            Always carry tissues with you and use them to catch your cough or sneeze, then bin the tissue and wash your hands (or use a sanitiser gel). 

    •            Avoid close contact with people who are unwell.


    The Department for Education have set up a Coronavirus helpline (tel 0800 046 8687) for queries relating to schools and other educational establishments in England. Lines are open Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm.


    Please be assured that when there is a confirmed case, Public Health England (PHE) use the method of contact tracing to prevent the infection spreading further. Please see below to link below to find out more about contact tracing


    For further information, please see and ‘Guidance to educational settings about COVID-19’


    Yours sincerely,


    Tim O’Brien

