Purpose of Study
Computing is an essential part of everyday life and will continue to evolve in, as yet, unknown ways. Our pupils, therefore, need the ability and the confidence to adapt to new technological opportunities as they arise. It is important that we provide all our pupils with the skills, knowledge and attitude that will prepare them for the challenge of our rapidly changing and increasingly connected world.
We integrate technology into all areas of school life in order to enhance and extend our pupils’ learning. In our computing curriculum we plan regular opportunities to use technology in meaningful contexts within and across other subject areas. For example, by teaching and practising internet research skills whilst investigating a history topic and by developing problem solving skills whilst evaluating a computer game.
Our Computing curriculum covers three distinct but related stands:
Digital Literacy – is at the heart of our computing curriculum. It ensures that pupils are able to use technology safely and responsibly to express themselves, communicate with others and develop their ideas. We recognise that the digital world is constantly changing so we regularly update and review our curriculum to ensure we teach appropriate skills and knowledge that the pupils can readily apply across to situations they will encounter in a wide range of online platforms.
Information Technology – is about using technology. Not just computers, but a range of equipment such as laptops, iPads, data loggers and electrical circuits. We teach the skills required for practical purposes, such as using search technology, collecting and presenting information, manipulating data and creating videos or simple computer games.
Computer Science – teaches how digital systems work, the principles of computational thinking and how to use programming software. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils develop the skills required to create computer games that include a range of content with increasing complexity. Pupils are taught to explore and evaluate the effectiveness of information technology and solve problems analytically.
When pupils leave Wootey Junior School, their computing knowledge reflects the fact that they are growing up in a digital world. They will have learned about the benefits that technology has to offer as well as developing a critical awareness of their own and other’s online behaviour. We ensure that they develop effective strategies for keeping safe online whilst being an active participant in the online world. Our pupils leave us being able to use technology to create a range of digital content therefore ensuring they are ‘secondary school ready’, prepared for a future in the workplace, whatever that might look like, and can be confident digital citizens.