The national curriculum provides children with an introduction to the essential knowledge that they need to be educated citizens. It provides the content from which we develop exciting programmes of study and stimulating lessons. The national curriculum, however, is just one element in the education of every child in our school. There is time and space in the school day and in each week, term and year to reach beyond the national curriculum specifications.
Our curriculum reflects what our children and community need. We have designed our curriculum to focus on these needs. We are always ambitious for our children and this is conveyed in our school slogan; 'Always seek the challenge'. We are committed to developing a school community that is driven to continuously develop and improve. The school's ambition statement defines the school's aims under three key words. These are Nurture, Challenge and Innovate.
Our curriculum is designed to deliver these aims. Everyone at the school works hard to ensure that all our children are challenged to have the age related skills and knowledge needed to read, write and calculate with numbers. Closing the gap in vocabulary on entry and promoting rich language throughout the curriculum gives children the tools they need to appreciate and participate in the world around them. We want our children to develop their voice and to be able to communicate with confidence their view and understanding. We want all our children who face difficulty or uncertainty in their lives to succeed.
We aim to nurture our children to be independent, responsible and resilient. We also want our children to extend friendship, respect and kindness to all who they meet. The school's strong behaviour policy and simple golden rules of 'Be Safe, Be kind, Be Respectful' help us to achieve this. The school also actively seeks to nurture children's healthy lifestyles, mental health, interest in sport and ability to keep safe and happy in our modern society.
In the 21st Century we believe that the most successful learners will be those who are innovative and flexible in their approach to learning. At Wootey we aim to develop enquiring children who are confident to investigate and design solutions. We are eager to develop these skills through opportunities for our children to be creative and expressive in subjects such as Art, Dance, Music and Theatre.
Our Curriculum- a simple view
Our Curriculum Explained
Parents Guide to the National Curriculum
Wootey 'Big Ideas'
The majority of what is taught in a school is based on the National Curriculum. However, we believe our children’s learning should go beyond the national curriculum and that it should reflect the specific needs and aspirations of our school community. We also want our children to acquire certain behaviours, knowledge and skills that will equip our children to thrive and prosper in the world and workplace of the future. For example, having a knowledge and urgency about climate change, developing computing skills and awareness of artificial intelligence and building a variety of team skills. Our school curriculum aims are captured under three headings Nurture, Challenge and Innovation. We have published our aims in a detailed document on our website. A more accessible, child centred version of these aims is conveyed in our Wootey Big Ideas. We want our children to recognise and value the concepts of Environment, Health, Safety, Vocabulary, Technology and People. We want to connect their learning, knowledge and experiences during their time at Wootey under these conceptual themes.
A lot of this knowledge will be taught within our national curriculum teaching but not exclusively. In addition to national curriculum lessons we teach ‘Big Idea’ concepts in assemblies, thematic days, school visits and extra-curricular activities. For example, Super Hero team building day, environment days and nature walks, whole school visit to West Wittering beach, Coding club and termly homework projects.
'The Big Ideas'
Big Ideas Knowledge
We aim to develop children who actively care about climate change, the environment and nature. We have created an Environmental curriculum based on knowledge and ideas from the Ministry of Eco Education. Our children learn about Energy, Food Production, Water Conservation, Waste and Nature. We endeavour to spend as much time as possible outdoors with our children. We follow the local authorities Trailblazer programme for outdoor learning and have a member of staff who is a qualified Forest Schools teacher.