School Logo

Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 Class Page


Welcome to Year 6! We hope that the children have had a good rest and are ready for the busy year ahead. During our first few weeks we will focus on settling the children back into school and ensuring that they have the skills and knowledge required to be successful in Year 6.


Year 6 Team

Tiger Class will be taught by Mr Wallis

Jaguar Class will be taught by Dr Stuart

Mrs McPherson and Mrs Bowden will support the children in class as well as run afternoon booster groups


Working with us

We strongly believe that education is a shared partnership with school and home. We encourage parents to become fully involved in their children’s learning and also in the life of the school. We very much hope that you will feel part of our school community and you will be able to approach your class teacher if you have any concerns, problems or questions.


The Year 6 team are keen to work with you to support your children and we encourage parents to speak with us regularly. Please feel free to discuss any issues with us at the end of the day. Each child has a home school book where messages can be written.


General Reminders

Water bottles:

Please ensure that your child have a named water bottle in school each day that it is filled with fresh water. A reminder that juice and squash are not allowed in class.


Please ensure all of your child’s clothing is labelled. All named clothing is returned instantly, whereas everything unnamed goes to lost property.

Pencil cases:

Please do not send your child to school with a pencil case. We provide all the necessary equipment as we do not have large enough trays for pencil cases. If your child is writing in pen, we will provide them with a handwriting pen which will be replaced when the old one runs out. 

PE and Jewellery:

Long hair must be tied up. If ear-rings are worn they should be taken out for PE. If they are newly pierced please provide tape to cover the ear-rings until such a time as they can be removed. Only studs should be worn.

The only other item of jewellery permitted in school is a wrist watch. This also needs to be removed for PE.

Physical Education

Our P.E. days this year are Tuesday and Wednesday. Children will need to wear their P.E. kit to and home from school on this day. They can wear tracksuit bottoms/leggings and their school jumper over their kit on colder days.

PE kit:

-Plain light blue polo shirt (with no visible logos).

-Black or navy shorts for PE.

-White socks.

We are incredibly proud of you all!

Summer Term Information

We thought that it might be helpful to have a couple of reminders about our final Year 6 events.


  • Monday July 22nd – Year 6 Party
  • Tuesday July 23rd – Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly


Plastic Bags – Monday 22nd July


Children should bring a strong plastic bag into school on Monday as we will be sending home their books and other pieces of work that day


Year 6 Leaver’s Party – Monday 22nd July


On Monday 22nd July we will hold our Year 6 leaver’s party and BBQ from 5:30 – 7:00pm.


We will provide a BBQ dinner and soft drinks, and we hope to end with a water balloon fight!


If you think your child is likely to get wet, please ensure they bring a towel and/or a change of clothes J


Children will need to be picked up from this event by a responsible adult. No child will be allowed to walk home alone.


Leaver’s Assembly – Tuesday 23rd July


Leaver’s Assembly will begin at 9:15am and will last for approximately an hour. Parents are very welcome to join us. After the assembly, we will have a parade of children to the front gates where they are free to finish school early.


Children will only be allowed to leave at this point if they are picked up by a responsible adult. If this is not going to be a parent, please let us know who will be picking up prior to the 23rd.



Thank you for your support with these final events of the year!


The Year 6 Team

Isle of Wight Information

We hope you will have an opportunity to look through this powerpoint with your children.


Mr Wallis and Dr Stuart will be available after school on Tuesday 4th June if you have any further questions about the visit. 



Please continue to read at least 5 times a week and practise your times tables on TT Rockstars.  

World Book Day Vocabulary Parade

Shake Up Your Wake Up

Geography Projects

DT Motorised Vehicles

Superhero Day 2023
