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Safeguarding Community


As a school community it is all our responsibility to keep children safe. If you are ever concerned about a child you can speak to school staff or contact Children’s Services on 0300 555 1384 or email

Wootey Safeguarding at a glance

Safeguarding Curriculum

Speak Out and Stay Safe


At Wootey Junior School we encourage all our children to 'speak out' if they are ever worried about keeping themselves safe. The children know that all our staff are here to listen to them and help them. The class 'Worry Boxes' are used to help children write down concerns if they are too shy to start a conversation but would like to talk to someone. 


Every year we take part in a NSPCC in assembly. Last year's featured Ant and Dec. Our school also took part in the NSPCC 'Number Day' to raise money for Childline. We were delighted to raise over £100 for the charity.




Online Safety


At Wootey, we aim to equip our children with a computing curriculum that will prepare them for an ever changing technological world. Our curriculum combines digital literacy (presenting and publishing information) with computer science (programming and control). The balance towards computer science increases as pupils move up through Key Stage 2. Online Safety is taught throughout every year group addressing issues appropriate to age. The lessons are based on resources from Common Sense Education.


Our ICT infrastructure includes laptops, iPads and Wi-Fi throughout. In addition to this, each classroom is equipped with the latest technology touchscreen interactive whiteboards and we have a bank of visualisers which we use to support the curriculum. 


Each class receives a weekly computing slot where they are taught specific skills, and computing is used widely to support all areas of the curriculum.


At Wootey Junior School we take Online safety seriously. It is our aim to provide children and adults with the necessary knowledge and skills to use the internet purposefully and safely.


In lessons and in assemblies:

  • Pupils are regularly reminded of the rules regarding internet use, sanctions are explained and used consistently when necessary

  • Children are taught to use the web safely. We take part in the National Internet Safety Day.

  • Children are not allowed use of mobile phones in school

  • Children are not allowed unauthorised access to chat rooms, message boards, messenger services or other 'social networking' websites in school

  • Children are only allowed access to subscription websites under direct teacher supervision



Clever Never Goes


We teach our children the ‘Clever Never Goes’ programme which has been developed to replace the out-dated ‘stranger danger’ approach. Research shows that teaching children simply to avoid strangers fails to keep them safe. Strangers are often more likely to help a child than to harm them. Conversely, it can often be people known to children that pose the greatest threat.


Bicycle Safety


Every year, children in Year 5 take part in a week long programme to teach them to ride a bicycle safely. The programme is called 'Bikeabilty' and is run by Hampshire County Council. Children are taught to control their bicycle effectively and the road awareness to ride a  bike proficiently on a road.


Children who choose to ride a bicycle to school must always wear a helmet and store their bicycle in our bicycle shelter. We always recommend that they use a cycle lock to secure their bicycle.


Junior Road Safety Officer


At Wootey we regularly teach our children about road safety especially during our 'Walk to School' week in May. To promote road safety in our school, we train two of our children each year to be Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSO). Our JRSO are Lylah Bale and Lottie-Mai Byrne. They work with Mr O'Brien and the School Council to promote road safety ideas in our school.



