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Welcome to Wootey Junior School.

Everyone at Wootey Junior School is very proud of our school. Our key aim is for all our children to develop a positive and dedicated attitude to their learning where they strive to improve on their personal best.  We are always ambitious for the children and this is conveyed in our school slogan, ‘Always seek the challenge’.  We are committed to developing a school community that is driven to continuously develop and improve. 


The school’s ambition statement defines the school’s aims under three key words. These are: Nurture, Challenge and Innovate.


Our caring and skilled staff offer an inclusive education for all the children.  We aim to nurture them to be independent, responsible and resilient. We also want our children to extend friendship, respect and kindness to all who they meet. The school’s strong behaviour policy and simple golden rules of ‘Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Respectful’ help us to achieve this. The school also actively seeks to nurture children’s healthy lifestyles, interest in sport and awareness of safety in our modern world.


Everyone at the school works hard to ensure that all the children are challenged to have the skills needed to read, write, calculate with numbers and to use computer technology. We want to develop our children to consistently aspire to improve and to be committed, productive and willing to try new experiences when they learn.


In the 21st century we believe that the most successful learners will be those who are innovative and flexible in their approach to learning. At Wootey we want to develop enquiring children who are confident to investigate and design solutions. These children will also be collaborative and effective communicators.  We are eager to develop these skills through opportunities for our children to be creative and expressive in subjects such as art, dance, music and theatre.


Wootey Juniors is alive with excitement and enthusiastic learners. There is a great atmosphere of hard work and energy for learning each day. We believe that our aims are evident in all that we do and aspire to achieve.



Mr Tim O'Brien, Headteacher

