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Lockdown Learning

Wednesday 6th January 2021


Dear Parent/ Carer,


RE: Lockdown Learning


Following last night’s lockdown announcement I am sure many of you felt a sense of dread and déjà vu. It is hugely frustrating that we must close our doors again to many of our children but equally we are relieved that positive action to keep our community safe has now been taken.


We continue to operate teaching for a small number of our children who are from keyworker families. If you believe you are a keyworker and would like your child to access this provision, please contact the school office. We may ask for proof of your employment.


All other children have now moved to online learning and I appreciate how challenging this is for parents. Schools now have a statutory duty to provide children with meaningful and ambitious work online each day in a number different subjects. Moreover, we are required to check whether pupils are engaging with this work and we must inform parents immediately when they are not. Home learning is compulsory. We know many of you will be juggling work and family life whilst trying to support your child’s learning. It is difficult but it is essential that children do all they can to keep up with the curriculum. If your child is struggling we will contact you and do all we can to support you with this task.


Our online learning is being delivered through ‘See-Saw’ and we would appreciate parents making every effort to enable children to access their learning through this. We can provide paper copies of work as a last resort. From next week we are also hoping to incorporate some daily on-line teaching sessions via ZOOM. We are trialling sessions this week. In addition to this we are looking at systems to enable children to borrow reading books, take part in competitions and to receive rewards for their work. We want children to enjoy their learning as best they can in the next few weeks. If there is anything that we can do to help your child, please do not hesitate to contact the remote learning teacher for your child’s year group.


Year group

e mail contact

3 ( Mrs Goddard and Miss Jones)


4 ( Mrs Barton)


5 ( Dr Stuart )


6 ( Mrs Healy )



With regards to families who normally receive free school meals we are working closely with Hampshire Catering on what they can provide. If you would like your child to continue to receive a free school meal throughout the lockdown period please let the school office know. We are looking in to voucher schemes as well as food parcels


I thank you for your continued patience and support. Please keep safe.


Yours sincerely,




Mr Tim O’Brien







