School closure and continued provision
Thursday 19th March 2020
Dear Parent/ Carer,
RE: School Closure and continued provision
Wootey Infant and Junior Schools are closed to pupils from the end of the day tomorrow (Friday 20th March 2020).
Whilst we await clarification and confirmation from the Government, we anticipate that school will be open to provide a safe childcare space for:
- Children where all adults in the household are key workers (we are awaiting the definition of Key Workers from Government)
- Children with an Education and Health Care Plan where school attendance is deemed by the Headteacher to be in the child's best interests
- Vulnerable children as determined by the Headteacher
- Children who have a Social Worker
When we receive clarification of the Key Worker criteria we will share these and ask you to contact us to confirm if you require a place. We will contact you directly if your child meets any of the other criteria.
Thank you for your support and understanding at this time. Please remember that we remain a Wootey Community and will be communicating with you via email and text during the time school is closed.
Yours sincerely,
Mr O’Brien