September Reopening Arrangements
Thursday 2nd September 2021
Dear Parent/ Carer,
RE: Arrangements for School this September
I hope you have enjoyed a lovely summer holiday.
I am writing to explain our arrangements for the start of the new term. The children will return to school on Monday 6th September.
Will the children still be in ‘bubble’ groups?
The school will no longer be operating bubble groups and the children will be able to mix freely with their friends and siblings across all year groups.
What time will school start and finish?
The school will revert to its normal timetable. School will start at 8:50am and finish at 3:15pm. We would like the children to continue to wait outside the school gates until they are called in by a member of staff. Children will be invited to come in within their separate year groups from 8:45am. This slight staggered entry will enable the children to come into school calmly and avoid congestion on our stairs.
At the end of the school day we ask that parents continue to wait outside the school gates where the children will be brought out at home time.
What hygiene measures will be in place?
All staff and children will continue to wash their hands on arrival to school. They will also wash their hands or use hand sanitiser at different points during the day. We will be encouraging our staff to leave windows and doors open to enable natural ventilation to circulate around the school. If children feel cold, they will be allowed to wear a coat in classrooms.
How will children play and eat their lunch?
The children will resume eating their lunch at a table in the hall. School lunches will again be served on plates. The children will then play outside without restrictions or zones.
Will parents be allowed on the school site?
Parents are now welcome to come in to school but we politely request and encourage the wearing of face masks. A member of staff will be on gate duty each morning for messages and queries. Teachers will also bring children to the school gate at the end of the school day and are very happy to talk then. If you have a concern or would like to discuss a matter in more detail, we ask that parents book an appointment by phoning the school office.
What will my child wear?
All children must strictly return in school uniform. Our school uniform policy is as follows:
- Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan with the new Wootey badge.
- Grey trousers, skirt or shorts
- White shirt or polo shirt (optional to have this with a school badge)
- White or grey socks for girls or grey tights. Grey or black socks for boys.
- Option to wear navy blue and white gingham dresses in the summer. Separate gingham blouses or skirts are not permitted.
- Children can wear small hairclips or bows. However, large Jo-Jo bows are not acceptable.
- Black shoes or all black trainers (Trainers that contain large logos or alternative coloured soles are not acceptable.)
Please note that we expect trousers, skirts and shorts to be grey. Children can bring their school bags and coats as normal. These will be stored in the children’s lockers. The children do not need to bring their own pencil cases.
Will the children come into school wearing P.E kit on P.E days?
Children will continue to come in to school on P.E days wearing their kit. Class teachers will contact you to confirm which days are P.E days. Our P.E kit is as follows:
- Black or navy shorts (shorts MUST be worn for gymnastic sessions due to H&S regulations)
- Sky blue polo shirt
- White socks
- Trainers
- Tracksuit/trousers and jumpers or school hoodies are advisable for winter games sessions
Please also note that children wearing earrings must have these taped or removed for sessions.
Will breakfast and after school club provision be operating?
Our ‘Early Bird’ club will resume and we are able provide a breakfast snack and before school care for £3.25 a session. Please contact Mrs Slade in the school office in September for further information. The after school club at the Infant school will also be reopening. Please contact the Infant school for further details.
What if my child has symptoms of Covid-19?
If your child has symptoms of Covid-19, do not send them to school. Please contact the school office for further advice. A PCR test is the most likely recommendation. However, we recognise that children will get coughs and colds this winter and we wish to avoid any unnecessary school absence. Our school staff are very happy to discuss symptoms and next steps with parents.
What if my child or a member of my family tests positive for Covid-19?
If your child tests positive for Covid-19 you must inform the school immediately. Your child will then self-isolate for ten days as they recover from the illness. If a member of your family tests positive for Covid-19, please also inform the school. However, you should follow advice from NHS Track and Trace as to next steps and to who in your family will need to self-isolate.
What if there is a positive case of Covid-19 in the school?
If a child or member of staff tests positive for Covid-19 we will not be sending home classes or year groups. It is not now the school’s responsibility to inform close contacts of the infected person to self-isolate. This is the responsibility of NHS Track and Trace. We will inform parents that there is a case in school so that you can be vigilant for symptoms but we expect all children to continue to attend as normal, unless advised differently by NHS Track and Trace. Any absence for reasons of self-isolation without NHS guidance will be unauthorised.
Will my child be entitled to receive remote learning if they are self-isolating?
If your child is self-isolating on the guidance of NHS Track and Trace they are entitled to receive remote learning. If your child is recovering from a Covid-19 infection they are entitled to receive remote learning, if they are well enough. We do not expect to children to be learning at home if they are unwell. Home learning will be conducted through our online SeeSaw application.
School Medication
If your child brings medication to school it is important that you complete a fresh administration of medicines form for this year. Our admin office staff will be outside on the first day with a table to collect in all medicines and issue any forms. Please ensure that all medicines are clearly labelled for your child. An administration of medicines form is also attached with this letter.
I would like to thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as we start a new school year. We look forward to welcoming our children back and to providing them with the joy of learning again. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Tim O’Brien