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September Reopening

Tuesday 21st  July 2020


Dear Parent/ Carer,


RE: Arrangements for School this September


The government announced earlier this month that all children will be returning to school in September. The first day of term for our children will be Monday 7th September.


The staff and governors have considered the government’s published guidance very carefully in the formation of our reopening plan. You can view the guidance for yourself via this link.


Every effort has been made to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and staff when they return. We want to see our children back at school and I hope this plan gives you the necessary confidence that this can be achieved.


What are ‘bubble groups’?


All our children will return to school in consistent class groups but they will be able to mix with other children in their year group during recreational times. Each year group is therefore termed as a ‘bubble’. This means children will only be able to work, play and come in to close contact with children in this ‘bubble’ group. The rationale behind this is to reduce the potential for virus transmission and to ensure that the school can quickly self-isolate a group of children in the event of an infection.


How will the ‘bubble groups’ be kept separate?


All year groups will be kept separate by staggering the school’s timetable. Please see the table below for when your child will start and finish the school day.


Year Group
















It is essential that children arrive and leave only at these times. Children must not arrive early to school and wait in the school grounds like they have previously done. If siblings have different arrival times they too must wait outside the school gate until it is there time to come in.


During the day each year group will also have slightly different times for break and lunch. When the children go out for play they will be given specific areas where they can play each day.


What hygiene measures will be in place?


All staff and children will wash their hand on arrival to school. They will continue to wash their hands or use hand sanitiser at different points during the day. At lunch time, when the children are outside playing, a team of cleaners will disinfect desks, surfaces and the children’s toilets. The school will also be cleaned thoroughly, in all areas, at the end of each day.


Children are not expected to rigidly keep social distance from each other but they will be encouraged to keep their distance from staff. Children will not be permitted to wear facemasks or face shields unless a doctors letter is provided that states that this is required.


How will children play and eat their lunch?


The children will eat their lunch at their table in the classroom. School lunches will still be available in disposable cardboard boxes that will be brought to the classroom. The children will then play outside, with only their year group members, in a dedicated zone in the playground. The playground has been fenced off to create separate areas for the groups. The children will be supervised carefully by teaching staff.


Will parents be allowed on the school site?


All parents are kindly asked not enter our school site at any time. To minimise contacts between parents we would like parents to wait in their cars, if they are driving, or to stand outside the school gate at a distance between each other. If parents wish to speak to a member of staff, a member of the senior leadership team will be on gate duty each day. There will also be a safe box for parents to drop payments or slips to the school office. Teachers will bring children to the school gate at the end of the school day and can talk briefly over the fence. If you have a concern or would like to discuss a matter in more detail, we ask that parents book a telephone appointment.


What will my child wear?


All children must strictly return in school uniform. Our school uniform policy is as follows:

  • Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan with the new Wootey badge.
  • Grey trousers, skirt or shorts
  • White shirt or polo shirt (optional to have this with a school badge)
  • White or grey socks for girls or grey tights. Grey or black socks for boys.
  • Option to wear navy blue and white gingham dresses in the summer. Separate gingham blouses or skirts are not permitted.
  • Children can wear small hairclips or bows. However, large Jo-Jo bows are not acceptable.
  • Black shoes or all black trainers (Trainers that contain large logos or alternative coloured soles are not acceptable.)

Please note that we expect trousers, skirts and shorts to be grey. Children can bring their school bags and coats as normal. These will be stored in the children’s lockers. The children do not need to bring their own pencil cases.







Will breakfast and after school club provision be operating?


Our ‘Early Bird’ club will resume and we are able provide a breakfast snack and before school care for £3.25 a session. The children will be separated in to table groups to avoiding mixing with other children as far as possible. Please contact Mrs Rossiter in the school office in September for further information. The after school club at the Infant school will also be reopening. Please contact the Infant school for further details.


Is school attendance compulsory this autumn?


The government has stated that from September it is vital for all children to return to school in order to minimise, as far as possible, the longer term impact of the pandemic on children's education, well-being and wider development. School attendance will therefore be mandatory again from the beginning of the Autumn term and our usual rules on attendance will apply. We know that many of you will be anxious about your child returning to school, especially if you or a member of your household has been shielding. If you have concerns please contact the school office so a member of Senior Leadership Team can contact you and reassure you of the measures we are putting in place this September. There is no school that can absolutely guarantee the safety of children and staff from this virus. However, we are confident that our school is and will continue to be a very low risk environment. The safety measures and professionalism of our staff have already ensured that we have safely operated with children throughout the worst weeks of this pandemic.



I would like to thank you in advance for your patience and flexibility. We look forward to welcoming our children back and to providing them with the joy of school learning again. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. I will write again in September to reaffirm our arrangements. In the mean time I wish you all a very happy summer holiday.



Yours sincerely,




Mr Tim O’Brien



