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  • Lockdown Learning

    Wed 06 Jan 2021

    Wednesday 6th January 2021


    Dear Parent/ Carer,


    RE: Lockdown Learning


    Following last night’s lockdown announcement I am sure many of you felt a sense of dread and déjà vu. It is hugely frustrating that we must close our doors again to many of our children but equally we are relieved that positive action to keep our community safe has now been taken.


    We continue to operate teaching for a small number of our children who are from keyworker families. If you believe you are a keyworker and would like your child to access this provision, please contact the school office. We may ask for proof of your employment.


    All other children have now moved to online learning and I appreciate how challenging this is for parents. Schools now have a statutory duty to provide children with meaningful and ambitious work online each day in a number different subjects. Moreover, we are required to check whether pupils are engaging with this work and we must inform parents immediately when they are not. Home learning is compulsory. We know many of you will be juggling work and family life whilst trying to support your child’s learning. It is difficult but it is essential that children do all they can to keep up with the curriculum. If your child is struggling we will contact you and do all we can to support you with this task.


    Our online learning is being delivered through ‘See-Saw’ and we would appreciate parents making every effort to enable children to access their learning through this. We can provide paper copies of work as a last resort. From next week we are also hoping to incorporate some daily on-line teaching sessions via ZOOM. We are trialling sessions this week. In addition to this we are looking at systems to enable children to borrow reading books, take part in competitions and to receive rewards for their work. We want children to enjoy their learning as best they can in the next few weeks. If there is anything that we can do to help your child, please do not hesitate to contact the remote learning teacher for your child’s year group.


    Year group

    e mail contact

    3 ( Mrs Goddard and Miss Jones)


    4 ( Mrs Barton)


    5 ( Dr Stuart )


    6 ( Mrs Healy )



    With regards to families who normally receive free school meals we are working closely with Hampshire Catering on what they can provide. If you would like your child to continue to receive a free school meal throughout the lockdown period please let the school office know. We are looking in to voucher schemes as well as food parcels


    I thank you for your continued patience and support. Please keep safe.


    Yours sincerely,




    Mr Tim O’Brien








  • Lockdown Arrangements

    Tue 05 Jan 2021

    Following the announcement last night of a new national lockdown. The school will now only be open for children of critical workers or to children who are deemed vulnerable.


    If you believe that you are a critical worker please check the guidance before enquiring whether your child can have a school place (See link below).



    All children who are not in school will be provided with online learning. Please see the Class Page section of our website.




  • Last day of term

    Thu 10 Dec 2020

    Thursday 10th December 2020

    Dear Parent/ Carer,


    RE: INSET day


    I am writing in response to the government’s announcement this week that all schools in England can take an additional INSET day on Friday 18th December if they wish to. This is in order to avoid schools having to administer Covid track and trace, up to and including, Christmas Eve.


    I would like to make it clear that we will not be closing for INSET on this day. Term will finish at the normal times on Friday 18th December. We do not believe there is sufficient time to organise an INSET day for our staff and contrary to some media reports, teachers do not go shopping or stay in bed on INSET days!


    With regards to Test and Trace, the school will continue to operate a contact system in the days before Christmas. If your child tests positive for coronavirus in the first few days of the Christmas holidays you must inform the school via the school’s email address or leave a telephone message on our answer phone. Staff will monitor this daily and co-ordinate a response with Public Health England. This may include informing parents that children need to self-isolate over Christmas. This is an unpleasant thought but we must adhere to the clear guidance that is issued to all schools.


    If you have any questions about the guidance, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.


    I thank you for your continued support in these last few days of this term.



    Yours sincerely,



    Mr Tim O’Brien




  • New Nursery at Wootey

    Mon 16 Nov 2020
    First Friends will be joining the Wootey campus in January offering a new nursery in the ABCB building.
  • National Lockdown

    Tue 03 Nov 2020

    Tuesday 3rd November 2020


    Dear Parent/ Carer,


    RE: Forthcoming National Lockdown


    This Thursday, England will go in to a full national lockdown. It is both a worrying and anxious time for all of us. For this second lockdown the government has decided that all schools will remain open. They believe there is moral imperative to ensure that all children continue to receive their education. I fully support this sentiment. There is also compelling medical evidence that children, especially at primary age, are incredibly unlikely to suffer significant ill health from Coronavirus.

    This is one of the few mercies this virus has shown us.


    On Thursday we will continue to operate our school as normally as possible.


    We have no plans to alter any of the health and safety arrangements that we currently have in place. We continue to ask that parents support this by maintaining good social distancing before and after school. Please note that parents must not congregate or chat in small groups. The law now only allows for people to meet one other person outdoors. Parents are not allowed on to the school site unless with prior agreement. Masks must always be worn.


    With regards to our before and after school provision this also remains unchanged although we are carefully monitoring the government’s guidance on peripatetic teaching. There is the possibility that our clubs may need to cease in the near future.


    Although the likelihood of children becoming very ill is remote, I do understand the real concerns that some parents may now have about continuing to send their children to school. If you are worried please do not hesitate to contact either myself or a member of the school leadership team. We will do everything to listen to and address your concerns.


    We are also acutely aware that some families may now be experiencing significant financial hardship as a consequence of this pandemic. Once again, please do speak to us. Mrs Rossiter, in our school office, is very supportive and may be able to offer advice and practical support.


    The next few weeks will be challenging for us all. I have confidence though that we will come through this period successfully if we show the same patience and kindness we all did in the first lockdown. Back then we applauded the NHS and keyworkers for a number weeks. There was a strong recognition of the sacrifice and risk that these groups of people were making.


    This lockdown may not be the same but I do hope there is a similar understanding that our teachers are keyworkers. They will be doing everything they can to keep your child safe and enjoying their learning but in tremendously difficult circumstances. Please be patient and kind to them.


    I thank you for your continued support and hope you and your family keep safe in the coming weeks.


    Yours sincerely,


    Mr Tim O’Brien





  • Welcome Back

    Thu 10 Sep 2020

    Thursday 10th September 2020


    Dear Parent/ Carer,


    Welcome back


    We have been delighted to see our children return this week. We have equally been impressed with the sensible and mature behaviour they have shown in adjusting to the new way our school must operate. The children have listened carefully to their teachers and have been following all our measures to keep our school safe.


    One of the measures we are operating is a staggered timetable. Following a review of the first few days of children returning we would like to slightly revise this timetable for Years 5 and 6.

    From Monday, children in Year 5 should arrive for school at 8:55am and leave at 3:20pm.

    Children in Year 6 should arrive for school at 9:00am and leave at 3:25pm.


    The majority of children have been coming to school at the correct time which is excellent. Where possible we would also like parents to encourage older children to walk and wait for school to open by themselves. This will reduce the number of people waiting at the school gate. If you are waiting at the school gate we ask that you maintain your social distancing as much as possible.


    Catching up with Learning


    This coming academic year is unprecedented in its uncertainty and challenge. Many of our children will have missed five months of schooling due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Although we provided an extensive package of home learning it is not certain how well children will have retained what they have learned.

    The first weeks of September will therefore be used as ‘reintegration’ weeks where we will gently assess what the children can recall in terms of knowledge and skill. The priority will then be to identify which key objectives from last year’s curriculum the children will need to be taught or retaught at the start of this year. These objectives will need to be carefully blended and taught within the children’s age related curriculum for this year.

    Given the considerable time children have missed and the content that has not been taught in school, we don’t subscribe to thoughts that children can easily be ‘caught up’ within just the autumn term. We think it will take this next academic year to fully recover and mature children’s learning. Our aspiration is to catch children up to pre-Covid attainment by the end of the year. Year 6 children will especially need support with this. We will be looking at creating additional tutoring programmes, targeted alongside our curriculum, to enable the children the best chance of achieving age related expectations by the end of the year.


    The autumn term will be broken down in to these phases.

    Weeks 1-2- Reintegration weeks (Children are welcomed back to school and are given short, sharp lessons and tasks to help them recall knowledge and understanding from last year. Teachers will gently assess where children have gaps in understanding)

    Week 3- Evaluation and Reset (Teachers will use an INSET day to evaluate the gaps in knowledge that children have. The curriculum is adjusted to focus on knowledge and concepts from last year that will need to be taught alongside this year’s curriculum.)

    Weeks 4-7 Amalgamated curriculum- (Objectives from last year’s curriculum are taught alongside the Age related curriculum for this year.)

    Weeks 8-14 Amalgamated curriculum- (Objectives from last year’s curriculum will continue to be taught alongside the Age related curriculum for this year. At the end of term a further extensive evaluation will be conducted to see where gaps in last year’s curriculum remain.)

    To facilitate and support targeted children with recovering learning the school will employ a variety of interventions that will be aimed at rapidly improving children’s grasp of key concepts and knowledge. In some cases this will involve the whole class and on other occasions, small groups of children. Children may need to come out of lessons to prioritise this work. Every effort will be made to track any content children miss and to provide additional teacher time in the next lesson.


    What can I do to help my child?

    We will continue to set children homework in the usual way. It is vital that children regularly practise reading, spelling and times tables recall each week. We recommend twenty minutes practise, five times a week. A suggested daily pattern could be ten minutes reading followed by ten minutes of spelling or times tables. Please support your child’s reading by recording their book in their reading journal.

    If you would like your child to do additional work at home, we are very happy to support this. Please talk to your child’s class teacher who will happily provide tasks and resources which are aimed specifically on areas that your child needs.

    Will children be kept in at break and lunch to do additional work?

    It is essential for children to have their recreation time during the school day. Children will not be asked to miss a significant amount of this time. However, teachers do sometimes ask children to stay behind for a few minutes at the start of lunch so they can complete a task or receive some additional tuition with the teacher. This is not a punishment. Children will still have plenty of time to eat their lunch and to play with their friends.

    How will my child’s progress be assessed next year?

    Throughout the school year children sit tests designed by Nfer. These are not exams. They are a series of short tasks which help teachers know how well children can demonstrate and apply their understanding of what they have learned. Teachers use the results of these tests to identify gaps in a child’s knowledge. It also shows how children are making progress in addition to their work in books. Your child’s class teacher will be happy to discuss the outcomes of these tests. At the end of the school year, teachers will draw together all your child’s work to judge whether they are working at age related expectations or not.


    In the next couple of weeks teachers will be sending out further information about our curriculum and how we will be adapting learning this term. Teachers in Year 3 will also be offering telephone appointments to parents to discuss how children are settling into their new school.

    Although we cannot currently welcome parents into the school building we will be doing our best to share with you the joy and success of the children’s learning as often as possible. In the coming weeks please look at the school website where we will be hosting videos and show casing the great work that our children can produce.

    Once again I would like to reiterate how proud we are of the children in their first days back. I would also like to thank you for your patience and support in waiting for this week to happen.


    Yours sincerely,


    Mr O’Brien













  • September Reopening

    Fri 28 Aug 2020

    Tuesday 25th August 2020


    Dear Parent/ Carer,


    RE: Returning to School this September


    Schools in England will return next week and our children will return on 7th September. The staff are all really looking forward to seeing the children again.


    The government have published guidance for parents on the safe reopening of schools. In addition to the guidance the Chief Medical Advisor for England, Professor Whitty has stated;


    ‘The chances of children catching Covid and then getting long-term serious problems as a result of it, solely due to going to school are incredibly small.’

    "The chances of many children being damaged by not going to school are incredibly clear and therefore the balance of risk is very strongly in favour of children going to school because many more are likely to be harmed by not going than harmed by going, even during this pandemic."


    You can view the Dfe guidance for parents via this link:



    Every effort has been made to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and staff when they return. We want to see our children back at school and I hope this plan gives you the necessary confidence that this can be achieved.


    What are ‘bubble groups’?


    All our children will return to school in consistent class groups but they will be able to mix with other children in their year group during recreational times. Each year group is therefore termed as a ‘bubble’. This means children will only be able to work, play and come in to close contact with children in this ‘bubble’ group. The rationale behind this is to reduce the potential for virus transmission and to ensure that the school can quickly self-isolate a group of children in the event of an infection.










    How will the ‘bubble groups’ be kept separate?


    All year groups will be kept separate by staggering the school’s timetable. Please see the table below for when your child will start and finish the school day.


    Year Group
















    It is essential that children arrive and leave only at these times. Children must not arrive early to school and wait in the school grounds like they have previously done. If siblings have different arrival times they too must wait outside the school gate until it is there time to come in.


    During the day each year group will also have slightly different times for break and lunch. When the children go out for play they will be given specific areas where they can play each day.


    What hygiene measures will be in place?


    All staff and children will wash their hand on arrival to school. They will continue to wash their hands or use hand sanitiser at different points during the day. At lunch time, when the children are outside playing, a team of cleaners will disinfect desks, surfaces and the children’s toilets. The school will also be cleaned thoroughly, in all areas, at the end of each day.


    Children are not expected to rigidly keep social distance from each other but they will be encouraged to keep their distance from staff. Children will not be permitted to wear facemasks or face shields unless a doctors letter is provided that states that this is required. The latest advice is that the transmission of Covid between children under the age of 12 is very low.


    How will children play and eat their lunch?


    The children will eat their lunch at their table in the classroom. School lunches will still be available in disposable cardboard boxes that will be brought to the classroom. The children will then play outside, with only their year group members, in a dedicated zone in the playground. The playground has been fenced off to create separate areas for the groups. The children will be supervised carefully by teaching staff.


    Will parents be allowed on the school site?


    All parents are kindly asked not enter our school site at any time. To minimise contacts between parents we would like parents to wait in their cars, if they are driving, or to stand outside the school gate at a distance between each other. If parents wish to speak to a member of staff, a member of the senior leadership team will be on gate duty each day. There will also be a safe box for parents to drop payments or slips to the school office. Teachers will bring children to the school gate at the end of the school day and can talk briefly over the fence. If you have a concern or would like to discuss a matter in more detail, we ask that parents book a telephone appointment.


    What will my child wear?


    All children must strictly return in school uniform. Our school uniform policy is as follows:

    • Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan with the new Wootey badge.
    • Grey trousers, skirt or shorts
    • White shirt or polo shirt (optional to have this with a school badge)
    • White or grey socks for girls or grey tights. Grey or black socks for boys.
    • Option to wear navy blue and white gingham dresses in the summer. Separate gingham blouses or skirts are not permitted.
    • Children can wear small hairclips or bows. However, large Jo-Jo bows are not acceptable.
    • Black shoes or all black trainers (Trainers that contain large logos or alternative coloured soles are not acceptable.)

    Please note that we expect trousers, skirts and shorts to be grey. Children can bring their school bags and coats as normal. These will be stored in the children’s lockers. The children do not need to bring their own pencil cases. They do not need to bring in or store P.E kit. Children can come to school in their P.E kit and class teachers will notify you the days when P.E lessons are taught.


    Will breakfast and after school club provision be operating?


    Our ‘Early Bird’ club will resume and we are able provide a breakfast snack and before school care for £3.25 a session. The children will be separated in to table groups to avoiding mixing with other children as far as possible. Please contact Mrs Rossiter in the school office in September for further information. The after school club at the Infant school will also be reopening. Please contact the Infant school for further details.


    Is school attendance compulsory this autumn?


    The government has stated that from September it is vital for all children to return to school in order to minimise, as far as possible, the longer term impact of the pandemic on children's education, well-being and wider development. School attendance will therefore be mandatory again from the beginning of the Autumn term and our usual rules on attendance will apply. We know that many of you will be anxious about your child returning to school, especially if you or a member of your household has been shielding. If you have concerns please contact the school office so a member of Senior Leadership Team can contact you and reassure you of the measures we are putting in place this September. There are social story resources on our website that you may find useful to share with your child. This online guide also offers helpful advice.



    There is no school that can absolutely guarantee the safety of children and staff from this virus. However, we are extremely confident that our school is and will continue to be a very low risk environment. The safety measures and professionalism of our staff have already ensured that we have safely operated with children throughout the worst weeks of this pandemic.


    I would like to thank you in advance for your patience and flexibility. We look forward to welcoming our children back and to providing them with the joy of school learning again. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.


    Yours sincerely,



    Mr Tim O’Brien




  • September Reopening

    Wed 22 Jul 2020

    Tuesday 21st  July 2020


    Dear Parent/ Carer,


    RE: Arrangements for School this September


    The government announced earlier this month that all children will be returning to school in September. The first day of term for our children will be Monday 7th September.


    The staff and governors have considered the government’s published guidance very carefully in the formation of our reopening plan. You can view the guidance for yourself via this link.



    Every effort has been made to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and staff when they return. We want to see our children back at school and I hope this plan gives you the necessary confidence that this can be achieved.


    What are ‘bubble groups’?


    All our children will return to school in consistent class groups but they will be able to mix with other children in their year group during recreational times. Each year group is therefore termed as a ‘bubble’. This means children will only be able to work, play and come in to close contact with children in this ‘bubble’ group. The rationale behind this is to reduce the potential for virus transmission and to ensure that the school can quickly self-isolate a group of children in the event of an infection.


    How will the ‘bubble groups’ be kept separate?


    All year groups will be kept separate by staggering the school’s timetable. Please see the table below for when your child will start and finish the school day.


    Year Group
















    It is essential that children arrive and leave only at these times. Children must not arrive early to school and wait in the school grounds like they have previously done. If siblings have different arrival times they too must wait outside the school gate until it is there time to come in.


    During the day each year group will also have slightly different times for break and lunch. When the children go out for play they will be given specific areas where they can play each day.


    What hygiene measures will be in place?


    All staff and children will wash their hand on arrival to school. They will continue to wash their hands or use hand sanitiser at different points during the day. At lunch time, when the children are outside playing, a team of cleaners will disinfect desks, surfaces and the children’s toilets. The school will also be cleaned thoroughly, in all areas, at the end of each day.


    Children are not expected to rigidly keep social distance from each other but they will be encouraged to keep their distance from staff. Children will not be permitted to wear facemasks or face shields unless a doctors letter is provided that states that this is required.


    How will children play and eat their lunch?


    The children will eat their lunch at their table in the classroom. School lunches will still be available in disposable cardboard boxes that will be brought to the classroom. The children will then play outside, with only their year group members, in a dedicated zone in the playground. The playground has been fenced off to create separate areas for the groups. The children will be supervised carefully by teaching staff.


    Will parents be allowed on the school site?


    All parents are kindly asked not enter our school site at any time. To minimise contacts between parents we would like parents to wait in their cars, if they are driving, or to stand outside the school gate at a distance between each other. If parents wish to speak to a member of staff, a member of the senior leadership team will be on gate duty each day. There will also be a safe box for parents to drop payments or slips to the school office. Teachers will bring children to the school gate at the end of the school day and can talk briefly over the fence. If you have a concern or would like to discuss a matter in more detail, we ask that parents book a telephone appointment.


    What will my child wear?


    All children must strictly return in school uniform. Our school uniform policy is as follows:

    • Navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan with the new Wootey badge.
    • Grey trousers, skirt or shorts
    • White shirt or polo shirt (optional to have this with a school badge)
    • White or grey socks for girls or grey tights. Grey or black socks for boys.
    • Option to wear navy blue and white gingham dresses in the summer. Separate gingham blouses or skirts are not permitted.
    • Children can wear small hairclips or bows. However, large Jo-Jo bows are not acceptable.
    • Black shoes or all black trainers (Trainers that contain large logos or alternative coloured soles are not acceptable.)

    Please note that we expect trousers, skirts and shorts to be grey. Children can bring their school bags and coats as normal. These will be stored in the children’s lockers. The children do not need to bring their own pencil cases.







    Will breakfast and after school club provision be operating?


    Our ‘Early Bird’ club will resume and we are able provide a breakfast snack and before school care for £3.25 a session. The children will be separated in to table groups to avoiding mixing with other children as far as possible. Please contact Mrs Rossiter in the school office in September for further information. The after school club at the Infant school will also be reopening. Please contact the Infant school for further details.


    Is school attendance compulsory this autumn?


    The government has stated that from September it is vital for all children to return to school in order to minimise, as far as possible, the longer term impact of the pandemic on children's education, well-being and wider development. School attendance will therefore be mandatory again from the beginning of the Autumn term and our usual rules on attendance will apply. We know that many of you will be anxious about your child returning to school, especially if you or a member of your household has been shielding. If you have concerns please contact the school office so a member of Senior Leadership Team can contact you and reassure you of the measures we are putting in place this September. There is no school that can absolutely guarantee the safety of children and staff from this virus. However, we are confident that our school is and will continue to be a very low risk environment. The safety measures and professionalism of our staff have already ensured that we have safely operated with children throughout the worst weeks of this pandemic.



    I would like to thank you in advance for your patience and flexibility. We look forward to welcoming our children back and to providing them with the joy of school learning again. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. I will write again in September to reaffirm our arrangements. In the mean time I wish you all a very happy summer holiday.



    Yours sincerely,




    Mr Tim O’Brien




  • Year 6 Return

    Thu 21 May 2020

    Dear Parent/Carer,


    RE: Reopening of school in June


    Following on from the government’s announcement last week to reopen primary schools from June 1st, I am writing to inform you of how we are planning to do this in the second half of the summer term.


    The staff and governors have considered the government’s published guidance very carefully in the formation of this plan. You can view the guidance for yourself via this link.



    Every effort has been made to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and staff when they return. We want to see our children back at school and I hope this plan gives you the necessary confidence that this can be achieved.


    When will children the return?


    Our Year 6 children will return to school on Monday 1st June. Children of key workers and those invited for specified reasons will also continue their provision. Children in Years 3,4 and 5 will return to school from Monday 22nd June. Further details about how these year groups will return will be announced after the half term holiday.


    How will the children return?


    In accordance with the government’s guidance, children in Year 6 will return to school in smaller class groups. These will be no larger than 15. The children will be taught by the same teacher and teaching assistant. They will also be taught in just one dedicated classroom. The groups will be organised by Mr Wallis and Mrs Healy to ensure that every child has a friend and someone they are used to working with.

    The rationale behind creating smaller group sizes is to ensure maximum social distancing between children can be achieved and to reduce the number of social contacts that the children will have. The children and staff in a group will form a small ‘bubble’ of people that they will only come in to contact with each day.

    The school timetable will also be slightly staggered to avoid different groups coming in to contact during the day. Your child’s specific group, timetable and teacher will be announced tomorrow evening. Please look out for that separate letter.




    How will it work in the classroom?


    Every classroom has been decluttered to provide each child with their own desk and tray. Each of the desks is separated by two metres. The children will be asked to keep everything they bring to school in their own tray. Where possible we would like children to keep pens and pencils in their own separate pencil case too.


    The children will be carefully taught how to maintain distance from each other and from staff. There will be frequent handwashing and hygiene reminders too. Every group will have their own dedicated toilet.


    How will children play and eat their lunch?


    The children will eat their lunch at their table in the classroom. School lunches will still be available in disposable cardboard boxes that will be brought to the classroom. The children will then play outside, with only their group members, in a dedicated zone in the playground. The playground has been fenced off to create separate areas for the groups. The children will be supervised carefully by teaching staff and again reminded of their distance.


    How will hygiene be managed?


    All staff and children will wash their hand on arrival to school. They will continue to wash their hands or use hand sanitiser at different points during the day. At lunch time, when the children are outside playing, a team of cleaners will disinfect desks, surfaces and the children’s toilets. The school will also be cleaned thoroughly, in all areas, at the end of each day.


    Will parents be allowed on the school site?


    All parents will be kindly asked not enter our school site. To minimise contacts between parents we would like parents to wait in their cars, if they are driving, or to stand outside the school gate at a distance between each other. If parents wish to speak to a member of staff, a member of the senior leadership team will be on gate duty each day. There will also be a safe box for parents to drop payments or slips to the school office.


    What will the children be taught?


    Parents have done a great job with home learning but the children have now missed a considerable amount of their formal schooling. Teachers will do some assessment to ascertain where children have gaps in English and Maths. We will then focus our teaching on trying to achieve areas of need that the children have before they move on to their next year. This is particularly important for children moving to secondary school.


    In addition to this, we really want our children to have some fun. This crisis has had a terrible effect on us all including our children. We will be making the most of our outdoors to enjoy some sunshine, creative projects and to play games too. We will be supporting our Year 6 children to celebrate their transition from primary to secondary school. This is a key milestone in a child’s life. We will be making plans for them to enjoy this at the end of term.


    What will my child wear?


    We would like children to return to school in their uniform. If a child is doing P.E for the day, they may come to school in their P.E kit. We don’t want parents to worry if a child has outgrown uniform or school shoes. We will make some practical allowances for this.


    What do I do if I still feel worried about my child coming to school?


    All parents will feel a sense of anxiety about the prospect of their child returning to school whilst this crisis continues. Many of our staff are parents too and will empathise with this predicament.

    There is no school that can absolutely guarantee the safety of children and staff from this virus. Unfortunately we all must learn to live with an element of risk from the virus within our lives.


    We are confident though that our school is and will continue to be a very low risk environment. The safety measures and professionalism of our staff have already ensured that we have safely operated with children throughout the worst weeks of this pandemic. If you are worried, please talk to us and we will do everything we can to assure you in your decision making.


    If you are a Year 6 or key worker parent and you would like your child to return to school on June 1st, please can you confirm this using the survey link below or by contacting the school office by 12pm tomorrow.



    We will then be issuing another letter to confirm your child’s timetable, group and teacher. This will be for Year 6 and our Key worker groups only. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Staff are in school to answer your calls today and tomorrow.


    I would like to thank you in advance for your continued support in this difficult time. We look forward to providing our children with much needed learning but more importantly, with some joy and happiness for the remainder of this summer term.


    Yours sincerely,




    Mr Tim O’Brien




  • Phased Reopening

    Thu 14 May 2020

    Dear Parents, 


    RE: Phased Reopening of Schools


    I hope you are all safe and well.


    Following direction from the Department of Education (DfE) this week, we are looking at plans for reopening to more pupils in addition to the children of key workers and other specified groups currently attending. The DfE have specified that this is only for YR, Y1 and Y6 from June 1st.

    However they have also stated that;


     ‘We hope that all primary school children can come back to school before the summer holidays, for a month if feasible, although this will be kept under review.’


    We are currently formulating a plan to enable Year 6 children to return to school on June 1st in groups no larger than 15. Please be assured that we will be doing everything under our control to minimise risk to pupils, staff and the wider community. It is also worth noting that we have not closed our doors throughout the ‘lockdown’ period and have already successfully managed the hygiene and social distancing of children in school.


    I appreciate that you may have numerous questions, however please do not ask any yet as we are unable to fully answer them at this time. We will be sharing a comprehensive plan and guidance next week, after which there will be time for you to ask for clarification.


    Thank you for your continued support at this most challenging time.


    Yours sincerely,


    Tim O’Brien

